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VortexHealers Community Clinic, theme: "Intimacy"

VortexHealers Community Clinic - theme: “Intimacy”

Sunday 21st July, 11 am PDT | 2 pm ETD | 7 pm BTS | 20:00 CET.

Every 3rd Sunday of the month, the VortexHealers Community Clinic hosts a free group healing on Zoom. This Sunday evening 21 July at 20:00CET, I will be leading the group, and more than 30 healers are participating! This is a very powerful experience!

The healing will be focused on intimacy, and what that means to you (think for example: emotional closeness, feeling safe, being able to share your deepest ideas).

You can find all the info about the community clinic on Meetup and Facebook.

Want to join?

Participation is free, though a Zoom account is required. The clinic does this to prevent Zoom spam. You can create the Zoom account for free, and use it to log into your Zoom application. It’s best to do this in advance, so that on the evening itself you don’t have to rush to be there on time.

Zoom info:


Meeting ID: 837 5940 4575
Passcode: beaslove

Just before the event starts, you can open the Zoom link above (Zoom account required!).

Be there on time so you can still solve technical problems (and we start almost immediately at the hour). As the healing clinic is organised worldwide, the explanations on that evening will be done in English.

About the subject “intimacy”

Having a sense of emotional connectedness, a feeling of being close, sharing your deepest ideas, or being able to let your guard down. These are core patterns for well-being in relation to others.

Yet due to difficult experiences, we sometimes lose sight of that possibility. We find a distant wall or become hesitant ourselves when it doesn’t have to be. As such, our sense of intimacy unconsciously shapes many of our behaviors and ways we navigate life. It becomes a challenge to connect or to be present.

All aspects mentioned here, and associated reasons, deserve attention and care. Still, tackling the issue of intimacy itself creates a fundamental shift for this. This group healing will work on that part. It helps you to drop unconscious barriers towards yourself and others in healthy relationships; to find special moments where interaction just flows.

Ongoing, we may find that true intimacy is something beyond our limited vision. It embraces living without distant barriers to life, nature, reality, and the core of our own being. From there our actions will inspire others. Such wondrous way to be!